I cried when I opened this wonderful piece of art that my daughter, Toni, designed & made just for me. The picture is from the day we had our little get together with daughter, Elizabeth, & Toni's family last week for Christmas. My, I have such talented children! Brag, brag. I love stuff like this.
Mr. Jay is in here installing the blind we just got for this little room, where my computer is, and where the guest bed is also is located. I am redecorating this room. It is painted a color called Silver Sage, from the collection at Restoration Hardware. I bought Shabby Chic sheets (say that 5 times fast) and I'm going to attempt to make a dust ruffle on Gertie (my sewing machine). I let her (Gertie) live even though she really pissed me off during my Christmas sewing.
You make me laugh. The blog looks fabulous Mummy.
Why, thank you daughter.
I'm so happy you're doing your blog mumzy! I love it and you crack me up! Keep doing it cuz I know your going to end up having a huge following! Love it!
Wanted to also say this is a really cool gift that Toni made for you! The only thing missing is ME! ha!
Lynn said... What a darling blog. I enjoyed it all. You are a pretty talented chick. Just got back from Utah for Christmas. Traveled by truck and trailer. Went over 5,000 miles round trip...ugh. Don't need to that again for a very long time. Glad to be back where it is warm. Hope we don't have anymore cold weather here.
Love ya,
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